Assignment - Selectors & Properties

  1. Style the above <h1> tag to use any color of your choice and a sans-serif font.
  2. Style all <code> tags to use the monospace font-family and have red text.
  3. Use a class selector to ensure that the <code> elements in the second <li> element have a different color (e.g. green).
  4. Switch the order of the rules you created and use the dev tools of your browser to understand how specifity resolves conflicts (for the <code> elements).
  5. Set a default font (e.g. sans-serif) for the entire content of your page and use "Inheritance" to change the font of the <li> items, too.
  6. Use a combinator to give all <li> elements but the first one (!) a black background and white text color (don't worry if the numbers disappear).
  7. Use another combinator to now give all <li> inside an <ol> element a black background and white text color.